Somerset, England - 21st June 2009
A great crowd of people in Western Super mare, Somerset.
The workshop was hosted and organized by Sensei Frank Ellul of The Functional Kenpo System on the 21st June 2009 at The Combat Gym, Weston Euro Park, Winterstoke rd, Weston Super Mare, Somerset BS24 9AA.
The workshop covered aspects of unarmed blade defence, counters and recounters, blade disarms and take downs.
I would like to express foremost my appreciation to Sensei Frank Ellul and everyone who supported and participated in the event who are all experienced and exceptional martial artists. All those helping me in the drills and demos. Tony, Darren and Andrew Lewis for being great friends. My sincere apologies if I miss anyone, please email me if there are any mistakes.
This seminar like my other events aims primarily to raise the curiosity and awareness among people from different nationalities about the martial heritage and culture of Brunei Darussalam in general.
Those interested to participate in the next silat seminar please contact Sensei Frank Ellul by emailing him at or contacting his mobile at 0772 5545 906
Please enjoy the pictures below. Double click to view larger image;