Newport Wales, UK - 20th June 09
Another successful seminar in Wales, United Kingdom.
The workshop was hosted and organized by Goshinkwai Total Body Defense's Chief Instructor - Sensei Alun Williams on the 20th June 2009 at Risca, Newport Gwent, Wales, United Kingdom. It lasted 4 hours.
The workshop covered aspects of unarmed blade defence, counters and recounters, and blade disarms.
I would like to express foremost my appreciation to Sensei Alun Williams and The Total Body Defense Organization for thier constant support to SSBD; the boys from Goshinkwai Yawara, who never misses to attend any SSBD seminars; Shaun Sabin, Adam Jones and the boys from Worcester; Darren and Andrew Lewis. All those helping me in the drills and demos. These people themselves are exceptional martial artist in thier own right. My sincere apologies if I miss anyone, please email me if there are any mistakes.
Thank you Sensei Alun Williams for for dedicating this seminar for my late grandmother. May you be rewarded 10 times fold for having a big heart.
This seminar like my other events aims primarily to raise the curiosity and awareness among people from different nationalities about the martial heritage and culture of Brunei Darussalam in general.
The next Wales Silat Suffian Bela Diri Seminar will be on the date above, If you are interested to participate please contact Sensei Alun Williams at or his mobile at 0794 8965 526.
There will be a 2 hours Goshinkwai Total Body Defence seminar instructed by Sensei Alun Williams before the Silat Seminar starts. I highly recommend everyone to participate if you are interested in devastating hand to hand self defence tactics.
Please enjoy the pictures below. Double click to view larger pictures;