Desenzano Del Garda, Italy Summer Camp - 21st to 25th July 2009
4th of 4 highly successful Bruneian Martial Art - Silat Suffian Bela Diri International Intensive Summer Camps of 2009.
This 5 days Intensive Camp was organized by Carlo Andreis in Desenzano Del Garda, Italy from the 21st to 25th July 2009.
This 5 days Intensive Camp was organized by Carlo Andreis in Desenzano Del Garda, Italy from the 21st to 25th July 2009.
4 Training Camps, in 4 weeks in 4 countries with 18 nationalities. The seminar was attended by people from different backgrounds and professions, Law Enforcement officers, Military, professionals like Engineers, Research Scientist, Technicians, Doctors, university lecturers, an English teacher, construction and builders, musician, Martial Arts instructors and practitioners from different nationalities and religions all over the world:-
Algeria, Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Holland, Hong Kong, Iran, Isreal, Italy, Morocco, Peru, Poland, Scotland, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey and The United States of America.
It is great to see and meet different nationalities training together spreading "The Spirit of Tolerance and Friendhip" under one roof. A truely international event; like a United Nations (UN) Gathering, but much cooler :D
You guys ROCK!!! I salute everyone of you.
Italy has always attracted experienced and knowledgable martial artist and practitioners to the SSBD events. The instructions instructed in this camp were not at beginners level. For those who understood the camp, no techniques can be achieved successfully without correct coordination and mind-set.
My sincere appreciation to my brother Carlo Andreis for always working hard to organize a successful event and to the SSBD Italy family that has always been the heart of the art.
To all those who dedicated their time to travel, participate and support the events. For getting out of their way from their summer holidays and also the family that supports their husbands in attending the tight training schedule. To those coming from different parts of Italy, Germany, Spain, Algeria, Slovenia, Sweden, Scotland, the USA, etc.
To Henrik Harraldson for attending 2 out of 4 camps and to Eva Valkova who attended 3 out of 4 camps. Thank you so much for the enthusiasm and spirit.
To Anthony Distefano and Malu for flying in from New York. To David Sr. and David Jr. flying in from Scotland.
To everyone that helped me in the demonstrations and instructions in the camp. Thank you for the patience.
My sincere apologies if I miss anyone, please email me personally to correct any mistakes, I hope the pictures can make up for it.
This seminar like my other events aims primarily to raise the curiosity and awareness among people from different nationalities about the martial heritage and culture of Brunei Darussalam in general.
Personally I am really proud that people of different nationalities all over the world are dedicating thier time to know and understand one of Brunei's traditional heritage. Thank you everyone for your support. Until Next Year!!!
Enjoy the pictures below. Double click on the pictures to view larger image.