Six Harmonies Kung Fu Academy, Melbourne - 16th August 2009
A highly successful seminars organized by John Scheiven in Melbourne, Australia.
The seminar was in cooperation with Sifu Stuart Holdsworth of The Six Harmonies Kung Fu Academy ( It was held on the 16th August 2009.
We also had the priviledge of having Robert Apicella from to cover the seminar. Thank you.
I would like to foremost convey my deepest appreciation to John Schieven and the Awesome Schieven family for making my stay in Melbourne a memorable one. To Silvannah Schieven, I dont normally eat that much before a flight, but the food was great, what can I say :)
Thank you Sifu Staurt Holdsworth for letting us use the Academy. To know more about Six Harmonies Kung Fu Academy click here
Thank you to Gary Jackson, John Schieven, Adam Martin, Brijesh Parmar and all those who had the patience with me to be my receivers in my demo.
Thank you to those who participated in the seminar, traveling from around Melbourne, Sydney, Perth and those driving as far as 9 hours. Thank you so much for the support and participation. I just hope I did not disappoint anyone participating.
Like all my seminars, it is humbling to meet experienced martial artist and professionals participating and supporting this event. Thank you everyone!
Thank you Mick Nicholls for coming to support the public seminar but had to sit it out due to a training injury.
My apologies if I miss anyone or made any mistakes or miss-spellings, please email me to rectify it. I hope the pictures can forgive my mistakes :)
This seminar like my other events aims primarily to raise the curiosity and awareness among people from different nationalities about the martial heritage and culture of Brunei Darussalam in general.
Due to requests there will be 2 SSBD seminars to be held in 2 different times in Melbourne for 2010. The dates will be confirmed soon.
If you are interested to participate or need more information please contact John Schieven at email or call him at or at 04 1735 851903 9408 4039.
Apologies for the mistake on the dates in the pictures :) Below are the group pictures from the seminar. Double click to view larger.